PLN: Governor's dovish turn or just a wording adjustment? – ING

Quelle Fxstreet

The only event on the CEE calendar today is the National Bank of Poland (NBP) meeting. In line with the market, we expect rates to be unchanged at 5.75% with little room for surprises. However, the statement following the decision may reveal some hints, but the main focus will be on the Governor's press conference tomorrow, ING’s FX strategist Francesco Pesole notes.

Governor Glapiński sounds exceptionally hawkish

“After July’s decision, Governor Glapiński sounded exceptionally hawkish, stating that rates might need to stay unchanged until 2026. Other policymakers suggested rate cuts should start earlier, while government measures to prevent high energy prices next year should mean the inflation path is more favourable than the NBP thought in June.”

“More recently, Glapinski realised that there is probably sufficient support in the Council to discuss rate cuts in 2025 and amended his wording accordingly, surprising markets with his less-hawkish policy stance. Our economists still expect the first cut in the second quarter of 2025 and think that rates could fall by 100bp next year, especially if the energy shield is not fully withdrawn.”

“The markets are more on the dovish side with the first fully priced-in rate cut in January, which on the other hand is still within the range of possible scenarios if inflation and economic recovery surprise to the downside. It's not that long ago though when the markets were pricing in earlier rate cuts, and if the governor hints at a dovish turn, the market would be happy to move in that direction. FX on the other hand lost ground yesterday, as did the entire CEE region, but is on the stronger side in the medium term and should remain there, in our view.”

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