Ross Ulbricht speaks up after his release, calls Trump “a man of his word”

來源 Cryptopolitan

Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road marketplace issued his first public statement following President Donald Trump’s full pardon. During his online video message, Ulbricht expressed deep appreciation for Trump and praised him as someone who delivers on his promises.

After his release from decades of imprisonment for illegal activities on the Silk Road marketplace, Ulbricht underscored that freedom matters greatly today.

In the video message posted through his X account, he began by saying that the President of the US issued him a full pardon last night. He was “doing life without parole” and was “locked up for more than 11 years, ” but Donald Trump granted him his freedom.

Ross Ulbricht says that Trump is the man of his word

President Trump fulfilled the promise that he made during his November 2024 campaign.

He added, “So let it be known that Donald Trump is a man of his word.” He expressed his gratitude to him for giving him another opportunity.

Ulbricht considers this opportunity a beginning for himself and also for all who worked to grant him freedom. According to his statement, the pardon represents a triumph of both liberty and opportunities for redemption.

Following his return to family, Ulbricht wants to concentrate on recovery and readjusting to life beyond prison walls. He said, “I’m going to be with my family so that we can reunite, be whole again, and heal.” Although he intends to remain low-key, Ulbricht, who the crypto community cares about stated he will return to “talk again.”

This is a developing story.

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