該公司的舉措將Bitcoin作爲一種價值來源和更好的通脹對沖手段,減少了其作爲投機資產的形象。儘管 Microstrategy 和 Saylor 比大多數公司都更加堅定,但其他實體也在推廣該資產方面發揮了不可或缺的作用。 這位 ETH 倡導者的問題在 X 上引起了不小的轟動。一些用戶放棄了自己的看法,詳細討論了 ETH 領域需要自己高調擁護者的原因。一位用戶表示這太不可思議了,並指出此人的影響力確實會給Ethereum提供很大的幫助。 我仍然認爲某人有絕對巨大的機會成爲Ethereum的 Saylor 式人物Ethereum倡導者闡述了他的觀點
不管價格如何,不斷地購買 ETH,然後無休止地向主流受衆推銷 ETH(和Ethereum!)
Another user claimed there could be a concentrated decentralized effort, noting that the action could see input from influencers, whales, and other users in the space. One mentioned that a centralized figure could help boost ETH’s price, using structured mechanics. The user suggested a model that will include bonding, token boosts, and borrowing mechanisms, noting that it could help accelerate the price of the token. One user talked about yield integration, noting that it could make the strategy very effective.
Meanwhile, some users brought up examples of personalities that they felt could fill the gap. A user suggested Bit Digital CEO Samir Tabar, highlighting that his company mines Bitcoin to accumulate Ethereum, a move that has helped to promote ETH as a proxy.
Others also proposed other candidates, with a user highlighting the influence that United States President-elect Donald Trump could have on the price of Ethereum. He mentioned that his pro-crypto stance could be pivotal in shaping the future of the asset.
The initiative, however, didn’t go down well with others, with most of them highlighting the dangers of centralized influence. A user noted that Saylor’s present and growing influence might be detrimental to the asset, noting that he holds about 2% of the total Bitcoin supply. The user noted that the development could deter others from adopting the asset, noting that a central person for Ethereum could face the same criticism.
Others also talked about how hard it is to create a company that will sustain the same hunger for Ethereum as the one Microstrategy has for Bitcoin. A user said Ethereum’s 75 million token during its pre-sale creates a unique dynamic that would discourage an entity from taking up a central role. One user also said there could be conflict of interest issues, noting that large holders or validators may not want to become a centralized figure to protect their positions within the network.
In addition, other users talked about Ethereum’s ecosystem and its unique characteristics. A user talked about the state of the network without a ‘champion’ like Saylor, suggesting that someone like Bankless could fill the role. Meanwhile, another user said the decentralized nature of the network makes it hard for it to rely on a central figure like Saylor for advocacy. The conversation also trickled into the relationship between Bitcoin and Ethereum, with a user highlighting Bitcoin’s 21 million cap makes it suitable for high-scale holding.
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