自大選以來,這種一觸即發的緊張局勢一直在醞釀,人們對特朗普的政策優先事項的猜測不斷增加。降低稅收、更嚴格的移民控制、提高關稅以及推動數字資產整合,將符合美聯儲穩定價格的使命。 鮑威爾最近在聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)會議後發表的講話表明,央行正在爲充滿不確定性的政策環境做好準備。 在FOMC會議上,美聯儲一如預期將政策利率下調25個基點。然而,此舉被央行不斷變化的預測所掩蓋。經濟預測摘要目前預測到明年年底政策利率將達到 3.9%,這預示着還會有兩次降息。 2025 年通脹預期攀升至 2.5%,而圍繞通脹預測的不確定性激增,潛在結果範圍更廣。 鮑威爾謹慎地對待這些預測,將部分不確定性歸因於特朗普潛在關稅和其他經濟政策的影響。鮑威爾表示:“我們不知道什麼時候會面臨這個問題。”他強調美聯儲的重點是研究關稅如何推動通脹。 不過,他承認,一些聯邦公開市場委員會成員已經初步考慮到了特朗普政策可能產生的影響,將這種情況比作“在霧夜開車”。 雖然鮑威爾的言論似乎很謹慎,但批評者認爲這些言論暴露了政治偏見。通過將對特朗普經濟議程的投機性估計納入他們的預測中,美聯儲可能已經超越了其中立角色,特朗普及其陣營非常樂意利用這一批評。 我們不能忽視房間裏的大象,這是一個特別有爭議的問題:特朗普建議建立“戰略Bitcoin儲備”。 剛剛:🇺🇸 美聯儲主席傑羅姆·鮑威爾表示,美聯儲“不允許擁有Bitcoin”。 #JeromePowell #FED #FOMC #InterestRates pic.twitter.com/Atq66Kl5VY In a press briefing yesterday, Powell dismissed the idea outright, stating, “We’re not allowed to own Bitcoin,” while reiterating that any legal changes to permit such a reserve would require Congressional approval. The comments triggered a pullback in Bitcoin prices, which had rallied sharply post-election amid optimism over Trump’s crypto-friendly agenda. Powell’s skepticism echoes the Fed’s broader caution toward digital assets, and we all know that Trump does not share the same sentiment. The chairman has consistently opposed the idea of federal involvement in cryptocurrencies, framing it as a matter best left to Congress. This cautious stance places Powell at odds with Trump, who sees digital currencies as a tool for innovation and economic growth. We have to wait to see if it is a divide that could further strain the relationship between the White House and the central bank. Make no mistake about it: Bitcoin has been around for more than a decade, and if he didn’t support it before, Fed chair Jerome Powell would never go pro-crypto. The conflict is not limited to crypto policy. Trump has a long history of criticizing Powell’s leadership, accusing the Fed of being “political” and suggesting that its rate cuts were timed to benefit electoral outcomes. Despite his criticisms, Trump has also voiced frustration that Powell’s rate cuts did not go far enough, highlighting his desire for more influence over monetary policy. “I feel the president should have at least a say in there,” Trump declared in August, arguing that his business acumen made him better qualified to guide rate decisions than Fed officials. This perspective further outlines Trump’s broader ambition to reshape the central bank’s independence, a move Powell has publicly opposed. “Independent central banks typically have lower inflation,” Powell said in September, defending the existing institutional framework. He stressed the importance of insulating monetary policy from political influence, calling it “a good institutional arrangement” that benefits the public. Trump’s assertion that the Fed should consult him on interest rate decisions raised eyebrows across the political spectrum. Critics warn that undermining the Fed’s independence could destabilize financial markets and erode public trust in monetary policy. Yet, Trump’s supporters, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk, argue that his push for greater oversight reflects legitimate concerns about a central bank they perceive as out of touch with Main Street. The tension between Trump and Powell is simply a battle over who has the power to shape economic policy. Powell insists that the Fed is committed to price stability, even as it invites accusations of political bias. On the other hand, Trump’s more aggressive, interventionist stance echoes his belief in the need for a radical rethinking of monetary policy. The stakes are undoubtedly high for both men. It could go two ways: A constructive dialogue or an outright confrontation about whose policies are the “best for America.” Land a High-Paying Web3 Job in 90 Days: The Ultimate Roadmap鮑威爾對加密貨幣和政策利率的神祕立場
Trump’s frustration with Fed independence
Political overreach or necessary reform?