該數字資產還得到了埃隆·馬斯克等名人的認可。 12 月 6 日,在Dogecoin誕生 11 週年之際,馬庫斯表示,他並沒有預料到狗狗幣會帶來如此大的影響,他最初認爲這是一個玩笑。他說: “我在幾個小時內做出的一些愚蠢的事情對世界產生了如此大的影響,這真是太超現實了。”
Markus 選擇Avalanche作爲第三個,因爲它快速且可擴展,而且越來越多的人正在加入該協議。 Avalanche是一個基於Ethereum區塊鏈平臺,由於它允許高效運行現實世界的應用程序,因此一直在崛起。
據 Markus 稱,Ethereum進入他的名單是因爲其在智能trac和 dApp 領域的表現。他分享了自己在從事NFT等項目時與Ethereum積極互動的經歷。儘管高昂的汽油費仍然是Ethereum的一個問題,但它是其他加密貨幣中最通用和最受歡迎的硬幣。
排名最後的是Solana ,它因其不斷擴大的生態系統和投資有效性而受到讚譽。馬庫斯還指出,該平臺已在許多項目中使用,並幫助其樹立了市場重要競爭對手的形象。今年年初,Markus 甚至向Solana和Ethereum社區發起了一場以模因幣爲主題的競賽。
當被問及爲什麼他沒有將XRP納入他擁有的貨幣列表時,Markus 回答說他不擁有任何XRP ,並開玩笑說如果他收到一些作爲禮物,他可能會擁有。
我擁有 0 xrp
— Shib etoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 12 月 16 日
Besides these choices, Markus recently disclosed that he had a shift in the perception of cryptocurrencies in general. In a recent post on the X, he confessed to liking crypto more than ever before.
i’m beginning to appreciate cryptocurrency so much more recently and not simply because of the price increases (though ngl that helps lol)
— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) December 7, 2024
Though prices have gone up, he stressed that there was a more fundamental cause. He believes in code supremacy over humans because, according to him, it is easier to bribe a human than to tamper with well audited code.
One follower pointed out that crypto can help with high bank fees, and Markus agreed that banking deserves disruption. According to him, the more one understands conventional finance, the more compelling the case for crypto is.
As of this writing, Bitcoin is trading at $106,000, while Ethereum crossed $4,000. Dogecoin also became the seventh largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, trading at $0.4 before a slight decline.
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