Ukraine pivots to accept limited peace deal

출처 Fxstreet

President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced on Tuesday that Ukraine would be immediately implementing a proposed ceasefire that would see both Ukraine and Russia stop targeting energy infrastructure as Vladimir Putin pushes on with his three-day invasion of Ukraine which has stretched into 1,125 days and still counting. The interim peace deal, which is being spearheaded by US delegates sent by US President Donald Trump, still lacks specific terms for what will happen if Russia violates the terms, and the Russian Kremlin is stressing that the limited ceasefire only has a lifespan of 30 days, and have arbitrarily chosen a start date of March 18.

Key highlights

Zelenskyy: Ukraine to implement partial ceasefire now.

Zelenskyy: Ukraine’s understanding is that the agreed ceasefire is effective immediately following the US announcement.

Zelenskyy: The agreement does not specify actions if Russia breaks ceasefire, Ukraine will appeal to the US directly in such a case.

Zelenskyy: I will ask Trump for weapons and new russian sanctions if Moscow breaks the ceasefire.

Kremlin: Russia and the US are to discuss energy ceasefire implementation.

Kremlin: Russia and the US have agreed to develop measures to halt strikes on Russian and Ukrainian energy facilities for a period of 30 days starting from March 18.

Kremlin: Russia confirms that Moscow has agreed to ensure safe navigation in Black Sea.

Kremlin: Black Sea deal to start after some sanctions lifted.

White House: The US and Russia agree on safe navigation in the Black Sea.

White House: The US and Russia agree to implement a ban on striking energy facilities.

White House: We're working with Russia toward durable and lasting peace.

White House: The US and Russia agreed to measures to implement the agreement to ban strikes against energy facilities in Russia and Ukraine.

White House: The US will continue facilitating negotiations between both sides.

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어제 01: 29
암호화폐 섹터의 시가총액은 월요일에 3.3% 상승하며 2주 만에 처음으로 2.83조 달러에 도달했다.