Global grain production estimates raised – ING

출처 Fxstreet

In its first estimates for 2025/26, the International Grains Council (IGC) forecasts corn production to increase from 1,217mt in 2024/25 to 1,269mt in 2025/26, ING's commodity experts Ewa Manthey and Warren Patterson note.

Markets expect greater output from Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, and the US

"This reflects expectations for greater output from Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, and the US. As for consumption, the council thinks demand will increase to 1,263mt from 1,238mt. Corn ending stocks are forecast to rise from 274mt to 280mt in 2025/26. Similarly, global soybean production and consumption are estimated to rise to 427mt (+2.2% YoY) and 426mt (+4.2% YoY), respectively." 

"This will see 2025/26 soybean ending stocks rising from 82mt to 83mt. As for wheat, the IGC expects output to increase from 799mt to 807mt in 2025/26 amid rising production from the EU and UK. However, ending stocks are still forecast to drop from 265mt in 2024/25 to 259mt in 2025/26."

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