German lower house to debate debt brake reform from March 13, to vote on March 18

출처 Fxstreet

Citing two parliamentary sources, Reuters reported on Thursday that Germany's lower house of parliament will start discussing boosting in defence and infrastructure spending as well as sweeping changes to state borrowing rules from March 13.

The Bundestag (German parliament) lower house will vote on the debt brake reforms on March 18, the sources added.

Market reaction

At the press time, EUR/USD wavers around 1.0800 on these above headlines, adding 0.10% on the day.

Euro PRICE Today

The table below shows the percentage change of Euro (EUR) against listed major currencies today. Euro was the strongest against the British Pound.

USD   -0.09% 0.15% -0.68% 0.04% 0.13% -0.07% -0.55%
EUR 0.09%   0.24% -0.61% 0.13% 0.22% 0.02% -0.46%
GBP -0.15% -0.24%   -0.80% -0.11% -0.02% -0.21% -0.69%
JPY 0.68% 0.61% 0.80%   0.75% 0.83% 0.61% 0.15%
CAD -0.04% -0.13% 0.11% -0.75%   0.10% -0.11% -0.59%
AUD -0.13% -0.22% 0.02% -0.83% -0.10%   -0.20% -0.68%
NZD 0.07% -0.02% 0.21% -0.61% 0.11% 0.20%   -0.47%
CHF 0.55% 0.46% 0.69% -0.15% 0.59% 0.68% 0.47%  

The heat map shows percentage changes of major currencies against each other. The base currency is picked from the left column, while the quote currency is picked from the top row. For example, if you pick the Euro from the left column and move along the horizontal line to the US Dollar, the percentage change displayed in the box will represent EUR (base)/USD (quote).


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