EU’s strict screening measures signal a regulatory shift in crypto

출처 Fxstreet
  • European Banking Authority (EBA) guidelines require crypto providers to establish strong screening systems and internal controls to comply with EU sanctions.
  • Effective from December 2025, these measures align with the EU's anti-money laundering an counter-terrorism financing frameworks.
  • Europe's growing crypto market demands that crypto asset providers adopt these guidelines to avoid penalties.

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has released guidelines to enhance compliance for financial institutions, payment service providers (PSPs) and crypto asset service providers (CASPs) in the European Union (EU).

On Thursday, new rules were released to ensure the EU's strict regulations on fund and cryptocurrency exchanges are followed. The project shows that the EBA wants to fix problems with governance, internal controls and risk management within the financial ecosystem.

The plan will take effect on December 2025. The rules strengthen financial activity regulation and align with the EU's frameworks for fighting money laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT).  

EBA tightens compliance

Due to new regulations, PSPs and CASPs are required to implement reliable screening tools. These steps are meant to make it easier for people to follow the rules. The EBA has set up methods to lower the risks of individuals or entities attempting to violate EU sanctions.

The guidelines explain how to strengthen governance and risk management systems to lower legal violations and stabilize the EU's financial industry.

The EBA emphasizes that financial institutions need to learn from past situations where they faced harsh punishments for not following sanction systems so that they will be more likely to do so in the future.

The EBA guidelines seek to create a secure and transparent financial environment by implementing strict internal controls and advanced screening processes, adhering to global standards for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing.

Europe steps up crypto regulation

PSPs and CASPs in Europe will be required to implement strict measures to ensure fund transfers comply with EU sanctions. These measures include verifying user information, screening for potential sanctions violations and detecting attempts to bypass regulatory frameworks.

The regulatory push comes after the EU's 2021 legislative package to reform anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing protocols. Regulation (EU) 2023/1113 is critical, detailing requirements for information related to fund and crypto-asset transfers.

This increased scrutiny shows rising concerns about the misuse of crypto assets in illegal activities. PSPs and CASPs must align their operations with the new rules by the December 2025 compliance deadline.  

Non-compliance may lead to severe penalties, such as exclusion from the EU's financial markets, highlighting the need for industry players to adopt these regulations promptly and efficiently.

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