Ripple President Monica Long sheds light on SEC case, RLUSD launch, and strategic plan for XRP Ledger

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  • Ripple’s victory over the SEC lawsuit ended with $125 million in penalties.
  • Ripple’s President explains the strategic development plans for XRP Ledger.
  • She explains the plan for the Ripple stablecoin RLUSD.


Ripple price traded slightly above $0.580 on Thursday, consolidating between the $0.560 and $0.613 key levels from two weeks ago. In a recent interview, Ripple’s President, Monica Long, outlined the company’s plans. These include the much-anticipated launch of Ripple’s RLUSD stablecoin, victory over the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit and significant XRP Ledger (XRPL) developments.


Ripple win over SEC lawsuit

Ripple’s lawsuit with the SEC, which started in late 2020, ended in August. Judge Analisa Torres ordered the firm to pay $125 million in penalties, a small amount compared to the $2 billion the SEC had sought. The court has ruled that XRP is not a security. 

In an interview with Coin Desk Japan,

Ripple President Monica Long said, “This victory is significant for the entire cryptocurrency industry, clarifying the rules of law in the United States and setting a precedent.”

Long continued, “Even prior to the SEC lawsuit, the majority of our growth was achieved outside the US. In fact, 40% of our activity was in Asia, with most of our payment services customers coming from the Asia-Pacific region. Although we have continued to grow at a faster pace outside the US since the ruling, the ruling has made it easier for our products and services to be available in the US market.”

XRPL ledger development plans 

XRP Ledger is an enterprise-grade blockchain that has been in operation since 2012. To date, it has processed over 90 million transactions and maintained a consistently high level of security and stability. It is especially useful for financial use cases as the protocol has built-in features designed to be very secure, such as Automated Market Makers (AMM), Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), and features that help with compliance, such as Know Your Customer (KYC).

“In Japan, Ripple has a long-term partnership with the SBI Group, which has implemented a number of enterprise use cases using XRPL, including the adoption of the EXPO2025 Digital Wallet NFT (nicknamed Myakoon!) at the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, which will be issued on XRPL,” said Long in the interview.

Another example is consulting firm HashKey DX, partnering with SBI Ripple Asia to leverage XRPL for corporate solutions. In August, the tokenization platform “OpenEden” announced it would tokenize $10 million in US Treasury bonds with XRPL.

Moreover, the Japanese market is important for developing corporate use cases. SBI Remit, part of the SBI Group, has been offering international remittance services since 2017, leveraging XRP as a bridge currency to enable fast and cost-effective transactions.

Ripple stablecoin RLUSD is set to launch this year 

A few days after its victory over the SEC, Ripple announced it was testing a stablecoin, RippleUSD (RLUSD), on the XRP Ledger and Ethereum mainnet.

“RLUSD has not yet received regulatory approval and therefore is not available for purchase or trading,” said Ripple in its X post.  

President Long explained in the interview, “One of the main use cases for RLUSD is settlement, and we plan to use our stablecoin in our own settlement solution.”

Stablecoins like Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC) are increasingly being utilized for settlement, enhancing transaction efficiency.

Long also explained how the RLUSD stablecoin will not affect XRP’s market share in payment solutions. 

“We believe stablecoins and XRP have different use cases for payments and other transactions. For example, DEXs on XRPL will be able to use RippleUSD very efficiently, while XRP will continue to be used for transactions with long-tail, smaller market cap crypto assets,” Long said.

Moreover, RLUSD will be backed by US Dollars, short-term US Treasury bills, and other cash equivalents held in a reserve account. To preserve liquidity, the status of these assets will be openly disclosed, and certifications will be regularly issued. This emphasizes how important it is to guarantee that the US Dollar always backs Ripple USD.

Ripple FAQs

Ripple is a payments company that specializes in cross-border remittance. The company does this by leveraging blockchain technology. RippleNet is a network used for payments transfer created by Ripple Labs Inc. and is open to financial institutions worldwide. The company also leverages the XRP token.

XRP is the native token of the decentralized blockchain XRPLedger. The token is used by Ripple Labs to facilitate transactions on the XRPLedger, helping financial institutions transfer value in a borderless manner. XRP therefore facilitates trustless and instant payments on the XRPLedger chain, helping financial firms save on the cost of transacting worldwide.

XRPLedger is based on a distributed ledger technology and the blockchain using XRP to power transactions. The ledger is different from other blockchains as it has a built-in inflammatory protocol that helps fight spam and distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks. The XRPL is maintained by a peer-to-peer network known as the global XRP Ledger community.

XRP uses the interledger standard. This is a blockchain protocol that aids payments across different networks. For instance, XRP’s blockchain can connect the ledgers of two or more banks. This effectively removes intermediaries and the need for centralization in the system. XRP acts as the native token of the XRPLedger blockchain engineered by Jed McCaleb, Arthur Britto and David Schwartz.

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