Crypto leaders and Congress blast SEC over crypto regulations

출처 Fxstreet
  • Several Congress members and crypto executives met to address the issue of crypto regulation in the US. 
  • Gary Gensler's leadership came under scrutiny as Congress drew out excesses on its approach toward the crypto industry.
  • The US has turned itself into a crypto "no-fly zone," said Michael Liftik.

In a meeting on Wednesday, several crypto leaders and congress members debunked the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) harsh regulatory approach toward the crypto industry.

Tensions stir as crypto leaders voice dissatisfaction against SEC regulations

The regulatory battle between the SEC and the crypto industry was one of the major headlines on Wednesday as industry leaders met with Congress to discuss.

Congressmen Wiley Nickel and Ritchie Torres, among others, were present to discuss the SEC's regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies under Gensler.

Torres, in his speech, recalled an interview in which he questioned Gary Gensler about the tokenization of a Pokémon card. He stated that Gensler's response demonstrated his insecurity about any form of decentralization. The question seemed related to the recent SEC Wells notice issued to NFT marketplace OpenSea last month.

Congressman Wiley Nickel also declared Gensler's approach "wrong." Nickel suggests that the regulations are "hurting consumers, innovation, American competitiveness, and the Democratic administration."

He also points back to the signing of the FIT21 bill in May 2024 for proper crypto regulations. The regulator’s refusal to comply with Congress to uphold better regulations was termed "hostile" and "irrational."

Crypto industry representatives present in the meeting also spoke up. Robinhood's chief legal officer, Dan Gallagher, spoke about the difficulty of achieving accurate compliance with the currently unclear regulatory framework.

Michael Liftik, former SEC employee and partner at law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart and Sullivan, also spoke against the "regulations by enforcement" approach that has characterized the Gensler leadership. He goes on to address the effect of the stiff regulations on US innovation.

"Rather than being an epicenter of financial innovation, as it should be and as it is in other contexts, the US has turned itself into a crypto "no-fly zone."

As the Gensler term approaches an end, several crypto industry members are anticipating a change in regulatory structure, targeting a potential change if Republican candidate Donald Trump secures a win.

Meanwhile, the SEC reached an agreement with DeFi platform Rari Capital after the latter agreed to several penalties including, "permanent injunctions, conduct-based injunctions, civil penalties, disgorgement with prejudgment interest, and equitable officer-and-director bars against the co-founders for a period of five years."

"We allege that Rari Capital and its co-founders misled investors about both the features and profitability of certain of the crypto asset investments Rari Capital offered, and acted as unregistered brokers,” said Monique C. Winkler, Director of the SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office, in a press release.

Bitcoin is trading around $62,000 at the time of writing, up over 3% on the day.

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