Czech National Bank board member Jan Kubicek is “skeptical” regarding adding Bitcoin to the bank's substantial reserves.他警告说可能的法律问题和数字货币的波动性。
Earlier this year, CNB Governor Aleš Michl proposed exploring Bitcoin as part of a broader analysis into diversifying the bank's reserve assets.但是,库比斯克认为,重点应该放在国际公司债券和有针对性的股权指数上。
In an interview, Kubicek said, “We will assess different classes of assets. Bitcoin is just one of them.” He added, “My position is rather skeptical about Bitcoin.”
Kubicek listed some of the problems with Bitcoin, including its legal status, direct ownership and volatility.他解释说,数字资产的法律地位和直接所有权将需要在会计和审计等领域创建许多新程序。
此外,关于波动性,他说评估市场价格变化是一项挑战。 The central banker noted that they could not be certain that Bitcoin ’s volatility in the coming years will mirror the patterns observed over the past decade.
He suspected that if more institutional investors accepted Bitcoin as an investment asset, it would start to behave differently from what everyone has seen so far.
Apart from Kubicek, other high-ranking officials criticized Bitcoin ’s inclusion in reserves. CNB副州长Eva Zamrazilova说,Bitcoin不是一个很好的储备资产。此外,欧洲中央银行负责人克里斯汀·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)表示,不适用于欧洲中央银行。
在该银行于1月30日发表有关其州长AlešMichl提案的声明之后,它表示,CNB准备评估“在多元化方面是否适当,并返回储备金中的其他资产类别。” This included Bitcoin.
The CNB said, “The central bank has been increasingly diversifying its investments over the last two years as part of its reserve management strategy.”它补充说:“在州长阿莱什·米尔尔(AlešMichl)的提案中,CNB将评估它是否适合多元化,并返回储备金中的其他资产类别。”
如果获得批准,CNB将成为第一个拥有 Bitcoin公开著名中央银行,这标志着机构加密货币采用的重大转变。
Trezor specialist and Bitcoin analyst Lucien Bourdon highlighted that the Czech Republic was about to make history. If approved, it would mark a radical change for the country and for the use of Bitcoin more broadly as part of countries’ national economic plans.
In response to European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde’s criticism of BTC, Bourdon pointed out that while Lagarde argued Bitcoin is unsuitable for reserves due to its need for liquidity, security, and safety, Bitcoin is one of the most liquid assets globally, trading 24/7 without the need for a counterparty.
他还将 Bitcoin 与欧元进行了对比,将其描述为需要持续干预才能保持稳定的固定货币的复杂系统,质疑在这种情况下是不稳定的。