Ethereum游戏初创公司 Immutable 已收到美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的 Wells 通知。 Immutable 抱怨美国证券交易委员会故意对加密初创公司粗暴对待,尽管几乎没有证据表明其造成了伤害。
Immutable (IMX) 是 2021 年玩赚钱热潮期间最热门的游戏项目之一。该项目结合了 NFT 市场和第三方游戏开发商的 L2 扩展解决方案。
Immutable 的推出发生在加密市场的乐观时期。该项目在预售中成功筹集了 3.2 亿美元,其中超过 14% 的 IMX 代币面向公众。这正是 SEC 所针对的争论焦点,指责 Immutable 发行了未注册的证券。
美国 SEC 联系 Immutable 进行对话,并立即发布了 Wells 通知。在获得公众回应的机会后,Immutable 现在面临行动。该通知可能会在诉讼之前发出,但并不保证 SEC 的下一步行动。
Immutable 已收到美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 发出的威尔斯通知,这是其事实上的执法监管政策的最新进展。我们在第一次谈话后的几个小时内就收到了这一消息,时间显然加速到了选举之前。
—不可变 (@Immutable) 2024 年 10 月 31 日
Following the news of the Wells notice, IMX tokens slid from $1.37 to $1.22, falling to a one-month low. However, the SEC investigation also triggered a renewal in open interest. For IMX, open interest rallied from lows of $22M up to $27M within a few hours. IMX is seen as a risky proposition, though also as an opportunity to quickly recover from its lows.
IMX is represented on most major exchanges, including Binance and Coinbase. So far, Wells notices have not led to delistings for other projects, with the exception of XRP, which was delisted from Binance for a year.
Immutable has encountered the SEC’s approach of targeting high-profile on-chain projects with a direct attempt to levy fines or cause protracted, expensive lawsuits. The SEC has targeted industry leaders like Coinbase,, and Uniswap.
Other projects affected by SEC’s approach of direct action include Consensys, Ripple, and OpenSea.
The Wells notices suggest the SEC has discovered infarctions in the project’s activities, with the possibility of launching a lawsuit. Immutable noted that the SEC did not give material explanations on its findings or which aspect of the project’s business triggered the investigation. The team suggested the SEC may be on a general war against crypto projects, even without specific regulatory findings.
The SEC has targeted Immutable based on securities law, most probably because of its private and public placement in 2022, followed by exchange listings. According to Immutable, the SEC’s allegations of selling unregistered securities are vague.
Despite this, the case of Ripple has shown that the SEC can keep up the fight for years, preventing projects from innovating and tapping liquidity.
Immutable stated it is ready to be compliant, but is against aggressive enforcement with no clear means to amend the business model. Instead, the SEC has launched expensive and protracted lawsuits against multiple projects. The SEC has even lost some of the lawsuits, though not without causing delays for the projects.
Immutable became a staple in the gaming space, drawing in games like Gods Unchained, Etherbots, and Guild of Guardians. The platform itself worked as an L2, aiming for wide adoption. The project is well-funded and can continue to innovate as interest in Web3 projects returns.
IMX tokens can also be staked, in exchange for rewards coming from the ecosystem development fund. IMX tokens are 78% unlocked, getting closer to their fair value. The platform does not carry a DeFi space and only locks around $24.51M in liquidity.
The L2 solution does not behave like other chains aiming to tap Ethereum liquidity. Instead, Immutable aims to give a fast, scalable network for gaming. Immutable is also working on a zero-knowledge solution and has achieved partial decentralization. According to L2Beat, Immutable has achieved three of the five milestones for zero-knowledge chains.
Immutable carries dozens of games and apps, though some of them have limited on-chain activity. Gods Unchained remains the top app, mixing NFT and competition. Immutable also carries Illuvium (ILV), one of the high-profile 3D games. The notice arrives at a time when on-chain gaming attempts to make a return, this time in a more sustainable way compared to 2021.