Stop me if you've heard this before: You should keep enough money in an emergency savings account to cover three to six months' worth of expenses. (Anyone who's ever written about personal finance probably feels like they have that little ditty tattooed on their brain. We certainly dole it out often enough.)
But what if you're retired? How much should you keep tucked away in an emergency fund? Do you even need an emergency fund? Here, we'll dive in and offer a slightly different take on the subject.
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If your cost of living is extremely low, you may have more income than you need to cover all situations, including emergencies. Let's say you've retired with very few bills, but your income is robust. You have Social Security or perhaps a pension. You spent years building your retirement accounts, and now they provide far more than you need to pay your monthly obligations.
You may have annuities, rental property, or other sources of regular income. If that's the case, you probably don't need as much in a dedicated emergency fund as the average retiree.
However, if you're making ends meet but not rolling in the dough, you may want to consider increasing the amount of money held in a dedicated emergency fund. Here's why.
Let's say your roof blows off in a freak storm, and your deductible to replace it is $2,500. If you were still in the workforce, it might be a hassle to come up with $2,500, but having a job means you can earn the money back once it's been spent.
Image source: Getty Images.
That's not the case when you're retired. You have a fixed amount of money, and unless you plan to return to the workforce, a set amount of money is available to carry you through.
As you determine how much to aim for in an emergency account, factor in both expected and unexpected expenses. For example:
The goal of an emergency savings account is to prevent you from having to draw down your retirement account or charge expenses on a high-interest credit card. However, the amount you need will be unique to you. This simple exercise will help you determine how much to aim for.
One word of caution: Don't leave your emergency fund in one of your retirement accounts. Here's why:
Few people can afford to fund an emergency account immediately. Once you figure out how much you need, slowly chip away at it by depositing what you can. You may never need the money, or may not need as much as you save. However, knowing it's there if you need it will be reassuring.
If you're like most Americans, you're a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known "Social Security secrets" could help ensure a boost in your retirement income. For example: one easy trick could pay you as much as $22,924 more... each year! Once you learn how to maximize your Social Security benefits, we think you could retire confidently with the peace of mind we're all after. Simply click here to discover how to learn more about these strategies.
View the "Social Security secrets" »
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