The world’s first Telegram ICO, Dogizen, arrives in four days, and it has the power to turn Telegram gaming on its head. This year, Telegram gaming has been the envy of just about everyone. Multiple projects broke multiple records, and the sector has risen to touch ten figures after less than a year, and with only a handful projects in the space.
This suggests that there are serious numbers on offer for a project that challenges current players like Hamster Kombat. And as you’ll see below, Dogizen has a game changing arsenal of technology in the works.
Dogizen is a Telegram game, currently boasting over 1 million users, with the potential to revolutionize TG gaming.
While its addictive tap-to-earn mode alone is enough to compete with the likes of Hamster Kombat, Dogizen’s future plans are what set it apart from the rest of Telegram gaming.
The Universe will offer players a whole range of games, all nested within the Dogizen mini-app, and all connected together via an interoperable play-to-earn ecosystem based around the DOGIZ token. This gives players a near-inexhaustible variety of games to dive into and an equal number of new ways to earn crypto.
That’s not all, though: the Dogizen SDK will allow developers to build their very own games that can be deployed within the Universe, unlocking a ready-made audience to populate their creations, with indie developers potentially paying no fees to list. The kicker is that DOGIZ token holders earn a slice of the revenue generated. Considering Catizen’s $200,000 daily earnings, this is a potential revenue stream not to be ignored.
The vision is clear: with the Dogizen Universe, Dogizen is set to become the home for gamers, developers, and crypto fanatics in a one-stop shop built on one of the world’s most popular messaging apps.
Telegram games have exploded in popularity in 2024, rapidly soaring into the eye-catching $1 billion market cap territory that forced the institutional bigwigs to start making more aggressive moves in the sector. And with the wider GameFi space soaring to the dizzying heights of around a $15 billion market cap at press time, this is a burgeoning gold mine of a market to tap into.
The headline is clear: tap-to-earn is huge and the story of 2024. Hamster Kombat’s rapidly attained 300-million user base—that’s nearly 4% of the total world population—and its record-breaking ascent to 10 million subscribers on YouTube, eclipsed only by Cristiano Ronaldo, is perhaps the most groundbreaking example. Hamster Kombat’s market cap is already close to $500 million. And everywhere you look in both the GameFi and Telegram gaming sectors, explosive growth stories are unfolding.
Take Pixelverse—this crypto gaming project delivered 50% gains to early adopters in a matter of hours following its recent airdrop. Meanwhile, the DOGS token, a Telegram meme coin and game, delivered a quite remarkable $2.5 billion in early volume. Perhaps most shockingly, only USDT and ETH have more active token holders than DOGS right now.
So, when you consider that Dogizen combines the monstrous trends of GameFi and Telegram gaming into a contagious canine package, Friday’s presale launch could be unprecedented.
Dogizen offers you a second chance to get in early on the Telegram gaming party. A sector that’s currently overachieving beyond belief. What’s more, with the Dogizen Universe, you’d be backing what’s set to be the launchpad for an entire ecosystem of Telegram gaming titles.
By backing Dogizen, you’re essentially backing an entire industry. And if we’ve learned anything from 2024, it’s that Telegram gaming has more rocket fuel in the tank than a SpaceX mission.
Will you be first on the scene to supercharge your portfolio’s gains, or will you join the back of the rapidly growing queue as prices potentially soar?
The Dogizen presale goes live on 4th October, 2024 at 8am UTC. Visit the official Dogizen website for further info.