Options Vs CFDs: Understanding the Key Differences

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What's the Difference Between CFD and Options?

Understanding financial derivatives can be challenging. Among these, Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and options are two popular instruments used by traders. This article aims to clarify these concepts, helping you distinguish between the two and decide which might suit your trading strategies.

What Are Financial Derivatives?

Financial derivatives are contracts between two parties, with their value derived from an underlying asset. This asset can be various forms of investments such as real estate, stocks, bonds, gold, cryptocurrencies, or foreign exchange. The contract's value changes in correlation with the price movements of this underlying asset, hence the name 'derivative'. Simply put, financial derivatives are financial instruments whose value depends on the price of another asset.

What is Options Trading and How Does It Work?

Options trading, another form of financial derivative, involves buying or selling the right to trade an asset at a predetermined price during a specified period. Here's how options trading works:

  • Suppose you anticipate that Microsoft stock, currently at $200, will rise. You might buy a 'call' option, giving you the right (not the obligation) to purchase the stock at $205 anytime within the next month.

  • If Microsoft's stock price rises above $205, you can exercise your option and buy the stock at a discount.

  • To acquire this option, you'll pay a premium. If the stock price never exceeds $205, your option expires worthless, and the premium is all you lose.

  • You can also purchase 'put' options if you predict a price drop. A put option lets you sell the asset at a predetermined price within a specific period.

  • Options can also be sold, known as 'writing'. If you write a 'call', you're betting on the price to fall, while writing a 'put' anticipates a price rise. Selling options earns you a premium but also carries the risk of potentially unlimited losses.

What is CFD Trading and How Does It Work?

A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a financial derivative that provides traders with an opportunity to profit from price movements without owning the underlying asset. The mechanics of CFD trading are straightforward:

  • Consider you predict that Tesla shares, currently valued at $400, will rise. To capitalize on this, you buy a Tesla CFD.

  • If the Tesla share price climbs to $420 and you close your position, your CFD provider will pay you the $20 difference per share.

  • Conversely, if the Tesla share price drops to $380, you would owe your CFD provider the $20 difference per share.

  • In the case of selling a CFD, suppose you forecast a drop in Tesla's share price from $400. If the price falls to $380, you earn a $20 profit per share. But, if it rises to $420, you lose $20 per share.

  • Similar to traditional stock trading, you pay a commission to open a CFD trade, implying you need a sufficient price move to cover these costs and make a profit.

  • The beauty of CFDs is their versatility – they're not just for stocks. You can trade on various markets such as currencies, indices, and commodities.

The distinction between CFDs (Contracts for Difference) and options primarily lies in their respective trading styles, response to market conditions, ownership potential, method of leveraging the market, product pricing, transactional costs, and their trading platforms. Both these financial instruments provide unique advantages and cater to different trading goals and strategies.

Here's a comparison table that summarizes the key differences between CFDs and Options:

Comparison Criteria



Trading Style

Suitable for various trading styles including scalping, day-trading, and swing-trading

Primarily suited for swing trading; day-trading may be restricted due to factors like delta value and time value element

Market Conditions

Best for trending markets

Can handle any market conditions (up, down, sideways) with the right strategies

Ownership Potential

No ownership of the underlying asset

Possibility to own the underlying asset through exercising a call option

Advantage Leveraging

Benefits from the price movements of the underlying asset

Benefits from both the intrinsic value and time value of the underlying asset

Product Pricing

Straightforward, prices mirror those of the underlying asset

More complex, includes theoretical prices based on mathematical models as well as market dynamics

Transaction Costs

Involves transaction costs and overnight swap fees

Only broker commissions are applicable

Trading Platform

Over-the-counter (OTC) products

Can be traded over central exchanges or OTC

1. Trading Style

CFDs accommodate various trading styles including scalping, day-trading, and swing-trading, enabling you to profit from the opening and closing price fluctuations of the underlying asset without actual ownership. 

In contrast, options are typically well-suited for swing trading but may pose certain limitations for day-trading, due to factors like delta value restrictions, time value element, and wider bid-ask spreads.

2. Market Conditions

While CFDs are particularly effective in trending markets, options trading allows you to navigate any market scenario - whether trending up, down, or sideways - by employing suitable strategies.

3. Possibility of Ownership

CFD trading does not afford the possibility of owning the underlying asset. However, with options, you can exercise your rights under a call option to acquire the underlying asset.

4. How to Take Advantage of the Market

CFDs enable you to benefit from the price movements of the underlying asset. In contrast, options trading opportunities stem from the intrinsic value (comparing strike price vs. current value of underlying) and time value (the expected volatility and remaining time until the option's expiration).

5. Product Pricing

Pricing for CFDs is relatively straightforward, mirroring the quoted prices of the underlying asset. Conversely, options pricing is more complex, taking into account theoretical prices based on mathematical models as well as market dynamics.

6. Transaction and Financing Costs

CFD trading incurs transaction costs (fixed-ticket, bid-ask spread, or spread plus a small commission for direct market access, depending on your provider and account type), and overnight swap fees. When trading options, you're only subject to broker commissions.

7. OTC vs Central Exchanges

CFDs are over-the-counter (OTC) products offered by your CFD provider, whereas options may be traded over central exchanges (like public company shares) or via OTC.

What Are the Benefits of Options Trading?

Options trading comes with its distinct advantages, including controlled risk, strategic flexibility, and effective hedging mechanisms. These benefits can be advantageous for traders looking to limit their losses and adopt more advanced trading strategies.

Managed Risk Exposure

When buying call or put options, the risk is confined to the premium paid. Even if the market moves unfavorably, the option can be allowed to expire, limiting the loss to the premium. However, the potential profit can still be considerable due to the leverage inherent in options trading.

Advanced Trading Strategies

Options trading allows the application of sophisticated strategies, blending call and put options, and buying and writing contracts. For instance, a strangle strategy, which involves buying a call and a put option on the same asset, can yield profit regardless of the market's direction.

Effective Hedging

Options can serve as potent tools for hedging against potential market downturns. For example, if you own 100 shares of Amazon and fear a potential market crash, you could buy a put option to sell your shares at their current price. This strategy caps your losses, even if Amazon's stock price plummets. The maximum you would lose would be the premium paid for the option.

What Are the Benefits of CFD Trading?

CFD trading offers a unique blend of features that make it an appealing choice for many traders. It closely mirrors the movement of the underlying market, provides clear pricing, doesn't have expiration dates, and allows traders to utilize leverage. Moreover, CFD trading opens the door to an extensive range of markets.

Market Correspondence

Trading CFDs is designed to closely emulate the underlying market's performance. When you buy a CFD for a particular asset, like Microsoft, it is akin to purchasing a single share of Microsoft. Similarly, trading a forex CFD mirrors buying the corresponding amount in a specific currency pair.

Clarity in Pricing

The pricing of CFDs is driven exclusively by the underlying market's movements, making it transparent and easy to understand. For instance, if the share price of Microsoft increases, the CFD for Microsoft also goes up, and vice versa.

Open-Ended Positions

Unlike options, CFDs do not come with expiry dates, giving traders the flexibility to leave positions open indefinitely. Therefore, traders are not affected by the time decay associated with options, where positions naturally diminish in value over time.

Advantage of Leverage

CFD trading is attractive due to its provision of leverage. This means traders only need to put down a fraction of the total trade value to open a position, freeing up capital for other investments.

Broad Market Accessibility

CFD trading allows traders access to a plethora of markets, including shares, indices, forex, commodities, and more. This wide range of available markets tends to surpass what most options brokers offer.

Options Vs CFD Trading: Which One is Best?

The choice between CFD and options trading ultimately depends on your individual trading goals, knowledge level, and risk tolerance. Both have their unique advantages. CFDs offer a broader market range, and straightforward pricing, and may be easier to understand for beginners. Options, though more complex, provide increased leverage while limiting risk and offering more strategic flexibility.

Deciding whether CFD or options trading is better for you involves considering several factors, including your individual trading goals, understanding of the market, and risk appetite. Here's a breakdown of the key differences and advantages of both:

  • Range of Markets: CFDs provide access to a wide array of markets, making them an ideal choice if you desire a broad range of trading options. Although options typically offer fewer markets, they still allow trading across a significant selection of assets.

  • Transparency and Complexity: CFDs, with prices moving in line with the underlying market, offer greater transparency and may be easier for those already familiar with financial markets. Options, conversely, require a more nuanced understanding due to additional factors influencing their prices, including time to expiry and implied volatility. Understanding "The Greeks", the factors affecting the sensitivity of an option's price, adds to this complexity.

  • Strategic Flexibility and Leverage: Despite their complexity, options hold unique advantages. They facilitate a plethora of trading strategies, even allowing trades based on volatility. When buying options, you can leverage your position while keeping your risk capped at the initial premium. This balance of potential high gain with limited risk can be particularly attractive to some traders.

Ultimately, the best choice between CFD and options trading depends on your personal trading style, risk tolerance, and the level of complexity you're comfortable with. As always, it's critical to thoroughly understand the financial instrument you're trading with before making your investment.


Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and options are two different types of financial derivatives, with their own unique advantages and trading nuances. CFDs offer straightforward pricing and a broader range of accessible markets, while not conferring ownership of the underlying asset. They're suitable for multiple trading styles and thrive in trending markets.

On the other hand, options trading can handle any market conditions and provides the opportunity to own the underlying asset by exercising a call option. While pricing is more complex, options trading offers the potential for strategic flexibility and effective hedging.

Choosing between CFDs and options ultimately depends on individual trading goals, risk tolerance, and understanding of these financial instruments. Therefore, before deciding, investors should have a clear comprehension of both these instruments and align their choice with their personal trading strategy and comfort level with risk.

* The content presented above, whether from a third party or not, is considered as general advice only.  This article should not be construed as containing investment advice, investment recommendations, an offer of or solicitation for any transactions in financial instruments.
