El debate sobre si Bitcoin se mantiene fiel a sus principios cypherpunk se ha acalorado, ya que los críticos afirman que su potencial de descentralización y anticontrol está desapareciendo. Mientras tanto, Peter Todd, uno de los desarrolladores de la moneda, sugiere la "emisión de cola" como alternativa.
La base del movimiento cypherpunk subraya el tron de herramientas de privacidad y criptografía sólidas para proteger los derechos individuales y promover una sociedad descentralizada. Combina la palabra "cypher" como encriptación, con "punk" como símbolo de un espíritu rebelde y hágalo usted mismo.
Este movimiento ha desempeñado un papel importante en la configuración de Internet, especialmente de tecnologías clave como blockchain y las criptomonedas. La creación de Bitcoin también acerca al movimiento cypherpunk a su objetivo de crear tecnología para la privacidad, la seguridad y la independencia digitales.
Recientemente, BlackRock cuestionó el límite de suministro fijo de 21 millones de BTC. Contenía un descargo de responsabilidad: "No hay garantía de que el límite de suministro de 21 millones de Bitcoin no cambie".
El director ejecutivo de Micro Strategy, Micheal Saylor, uno de los principales poseedores de BTC, también retuiteó el vídeo.
Michael Saylor, el rostro inequívoco y la persona más influyente en Bitcoin hoy en día, publicó un vídeo de BlackRock con un descargo de responsabilidad realmente interesante:
"No hay garantía de que el límite de suministro de 21 millones de bitcoin no cambie".
Son… pic.twitter.com/Xg3sQP9BJw
- Joel Valenzuela (@TheDesertLynx) 18 de diciembre de 2024
Doubts have poured in over whether Bitcoin’s fixed supply remains as inviolable as one thought after BlackRock issued a disclaimer. Serious questions have been raised over the cryptocurrency’s capacity to bear long to its ethos due to the growing capitalist influence of corporate players.
Another critic on X, @sebp888, criticized renowned Bitcoin developers, including Adam Back and Peter Todd, for remaining silent about these issues. He argued that Bitcoin’s community should fight back against the perceived growing corporate domination.
Peter Todd retweeted the tweet with a screenshot showing a community note under Sebastian’s post. The note pointed toward Todd’s article from 2022: “Surprisingly, Tail Emission Is Not Inflationary.”
In this piece, Todd contemplated the threats Bitcoin could face when it ditches block rewards in favor of transaction fees for miners’ incentives. This could happen after all of the Bitcoin supply has been mined.
He warned that such a shift could be unstable. “To date, no proof-of-work currency has ever operated solely on transaction fees, and academic analysis has found that in this condition, block generation is unstable.”
He suggested an alternative like Monero’s implementation of tail emission, in which miners receive a fixed, small reward per block forever.
According to Todd, this model doesn’t cause inflation but rather creates a stable supply. He also said lost coins naturally balance out the continuously emitted coins. Thus, in the long run, coins are created just as fast as they are lost,” Todd said.
He explained it through mathematical modeling by which he proved that fixed rewards in combination with natural coin loss yield a stable monetary system.
One user on X, @LibreHans, doubted Peter Todd’s prediction. He said, “You think you can predict the future? How could anybody take you seriously?” Todd replied rather sarcastically that losing coins can only “magically” stop in the future.
However, his article also points out how difficult it would be to implement such changes on Bitcoin. Todd noted that a hard fork to enable it would likely mean not winning consensus from the large and diverse Bitcoin community.
“While Monero was able to get sufficiently broad consensus in the community to implement tail emission, it’s unclear at best if it would ever be possible to achieve that for the much larger Bitcoin,” he wrote.
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